Monday, September 19, 2011

UK... you have redeemed yourself.

Oh. My. God.

I have just eaten the most delicious thing in the entire world, and yes, felt immediately compelled to share it on my blog.

I bought gluten free bread from Morrison's the other day but haven't gotten around to trying it because I didn't feel like freezing it after.  But today... I finally tried this gluten free bread (regular sliced white bread)... and my world has been changed.

This is the culprit.  DS (Dietary Specials) Gluten Free bread.

Now, at home, when I have gluten free sandwich bread, its not.... horrible, but you definitely don't get the same enjoyment out of eating a sandwich.  Even when its got all sorts of stuff on it, you still are very aware that you're eating gluten free bread (at least I am).

And on top of that, in order for the bread (at home) to be edible, you have to microwave it.  You HAVE to microwave it.  And then you have hot bread... even for a turkey sandwich (which is a little strange for me).

However, THIS bread... claimed you could eat it straight out of the package.  So I was prepared to test it out, take them up on their offer.

The first slice:

Oh my God!!! This bread is amazing!!!!!  Not only can you eat it straight out of the package, but it pretty much tastes just like regular bread (!)  I swear, I thought I was in some corny TV commercial because I took one bite of the bread and was flabbergasted.  Just watch any commercial where they eat something and thats what I looked like.

I seriously ate that whole slice just by itself because it was so good.  No nutella, butter, or anything.  Just the bread.  It was THAT good. 

Then I proceeded to have two Nutella sandwiches.  Because I could.  And this bread was so good that it didn't taste like I was having gluten free bread with nutella on it... it tasted like I was having a nutella sandwich.

This may not be at all relevant to anyone who either A) isn't gluten free or B) hasn't tried gluten free bread.

But it is amazing... and I HAD to share.

This SO makes up for corn pizza.

I'd eat corn pizza every day if I could also have this bread.

PLEASE let them sell it in the US...

(Yes, Uncle Jimmy - if you're reading this -  I will be bringing some home for you)


  1. you LIKE the bread?

  2. you are too funny, can't wait until you find some really delicious pie, cake, brownie or something even more exciting then bread.
