Monday, January 7, 2013

One whole year?! Where has the time gone?

Oh my goodness!  It has been more than a year since I returned home from my study abroad adventure.  I really can't believe it.  Sometimes it feels like it's been 10 years and sometimes it feels like I was just in Glasgow yesterday.

I don't intend to say much because I'm basically still feeling the same as I have since I returned home - I'm extremely grateful for the experience, I'm glad to be home, and I miss Glasgow, my friends, and all of the amazing things I experienced.

I'm hoping to be able to visit Glasgow soon (and hopefully when that happens I'll be able to drag my mom along because I really hate that I have all of these experiences and memories that I can't fully share with her).

My main purpose for doing this blog post is actually a somewhat selfish one.  As there have now been two full school semesters since I've returned home, I'm hoping to get a little bit of feedback about my blog and whether or not it's actually helping anyone.  I'm a little bit nervous asking this, but I'm hoping that if there's anyone out there reading this who has either studied abroad at all or studied in Glasgow and read my blog, that you can let me know if anything I've written about actually made sense once you got there?  Or just helped at all?  Or even helped you because you did the opposite of what I recommended, haha.  I'm just curious.

So I would really appreciate it if you could let me know!


  1. I am actually studying abroad in Glasgow right now and living in Cairncross, so I was really happy to find your blog before I left. It was super helpful! I actually just had Taco Mazama yesterday because you had raved about it! Thanks for keeping such a detailed blog about your study abroad experience!

  2. You probably don't even check the blog anymore, but if you ever do and you come across this comment, I just want to say... THANK YOU. I'm going to Glasgow this September on an exchange program and you have helped me SO much. I've read every single one of your posts and I feel extremely prepared now, I'm a lot less worried, and incredibly more excited. I'm so glad that I found your blog, it's still super helpful 6 years later :D Thank you again! <3
