Saturday, August 27, 2011

Leaving in a week...

Its a bit hard for me to imagine that, really... 

It's almost 11PM, and I can't really wrap my head around the fact that one week from now, I will be in the air, almost to Glasgow.

I'm extremely excited about actually being in Glasgow and doing all of these things that I've been imagining in the past year.  But I'm also seriously dreading leaving my family.  I've always had the luxury of being just a text or call away from my mom - if I want to ask a stupid question about something, or if I just want to say hey.  And now I'm not really going to be able to do that.  Yes, theres Skype and all that but its not really the same.  Plus, I've generally seen my parents every day (and even when I haven't, it was never 3 1/2 months between seeing them).  So that part has me... a little scared I guess.

    On a slightly different and more practical note, I've started receiving my financial aid refunds, which is a relief.  Its nice to know that I have money to start out with, and to possibly pay my accomodation fees right away if necessary.  I'm not sure whats going to happen with that.  When I applied for pre-term accomodation (for the week before accomodation contracts started), the e-mail said it was supposed to be paid for before I arrived, but I never received any log-on information for the website to pay for accomodations.  Fingers crossed that I'll have a place to stay when I get there.

Tomorrow I'm planning on testing out my one suitcase theory.  Going to pack everything all up and see A) if everything fits in my suitcase without busting out and B) it weighs under 50 pounds.  Really hoping that it works, but I'd rather know now so that I could take things out instead of finding out a day or two before I leave.

I also placed an order with All-Unied earlier this week.  Its a company in the UK that lets you buy housewares (am I making that word up?)... you know, pots, pans, plates, all that junk.  And then they deliver it to your dorm/hall/whatever on a date that you pick.  I set mine to be delivered on the 5th of September (the day after I arrive).  I'll probably do a review of that once it arrives.  Pictures of the actual product and all that.  Hopefully its all good because I paid about $138 for it all.

Thats it for now... I really didn't intend to ramble, just to a bit of an update about my preparations, but hey, stuff happens.  One week to go!  :)


  1. Ashley,
    I think that it is great that you are doing this. It shows a lot of courage. You will do great and I look forward to experiencing Scotland thru you.

  2. Ashley,
    I have been worried about the preterm accommodation thing too! I am also just hoping to have housing when we arrive :)
    I also would like to commend you on packing your suitcase a week ago- i started this morning with a whole three days to go.
    See you in Glasgow,
