Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two weeks to go...

So, a brief introduction to me and to what exactly I've gotten myself into.  My name is Ashley, I'm 22 and I study history and linguistics in Upstate New York.  Well, at least I did until I got accepted into the Study Abroad program for the University of Glasgow, in Scotland!  Now I'm getting ready to leave and trying to figure out everything that goes along with that - both the practical, and the emotional things.  It's a little over two weeks until I leave.  My flight to Philadelphia leaves on September 3rd (hopefully I will be on it - haha). 

Anyway, I wanted to do this blog for a couple of reasons:

1) Keeping in touch with family and friends (Duh)
2) Keeping a somewhat more accurate and detailed record of what happens while I'm abroad than the one I would try to remember once I return.  "Um yeah, I think there were... some buildings, and then we went places..."
3)  To hopefully have the opportunity to give other study abroad students little bits of advice, and hopefully give the type of information that I've been looking for while preparing for my trip (What exactly is a large, single room in Cairncross House?!?)  So hopefully there will be something worthwhile in all of this for people who have no idea who I am and don't really want to read about how I found some cute little something in some market or how high the price of apples are.

So one little last note, just incase I don't get a chance/have a reason to post again before I leave...

- I am intending to bring with me only one suitcase (yes, just one) on this trip.  Not including my carry-on (backpack?).  Not sure how difficult this will be... not sure how successful this will be.  But that is my goal... we'll see how it turns out.
- Also, to basically sum up what could be a whole other blog post about emotions and all that... my biggest concern/fear about these next few months: Trying to figure out their education system and actually be successful :-\

    Thats it for now!  Let the countdown begin!!


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