Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm home!

I'm finally home!  And I mean it, all the way back to my house, in my own room, and my own bed.  Its a great feeling - especially after the crazy day I had.  I'll do a post about that later because its a long and crazy story and its really late.  I just wanted to do a quick post saying that I'm home.

I also wanted to do this post because I'm trying to be honest about the study abroad experience, and I found out something today when I got home.  One of my cats passed away while I was gone, about 3 weeks ago.  She had cancer (we didn't know this until the day that she passed away), she was only 8 years old.  Obviously my parents didn't tell me while I was away because that would be horrible news to hear while I'm essentially alone, half a world away.  And I'm very thankful that they decided not to tell me, as hard as it was for them.  But I felt it was my "duty", I guess you could say, to talk about all the things that could happen during study abroad, and how to deal with them.  I'll admit that right now, I have no idea how to deal with this.  It was so unexpected, and I'm seriously upset right now.  Hopefully in the coming days I'll be able to better talk about this, in terms of "what to do" and "how to deal", but as of right now, I just can't believe she's actually gone - and I find myself crying everytime I think of something else that reminds me of her.  So, not to go off topic with the picture posting, but I'm going to post a couple of my photos of her.



  1. as sad as I was/am about Phoebe passing, you picked perfect pictures of her! How much did she LOVE LOVE LOVE shoes and purses!!! She was the best kitty, even when she was 'sassing'.

  2. Ashley, I'm very sorry to hear about Phoebe, but your mom is right about the pictures, I especially love the flip flop one :)
