Friday, October 14, 2011

Adventure Number One

Tonight is the beginning of our first actual adventure (kind of) since we've been here.  Tonight, we leave to start making our way to Dublin, Ireland!  Now, I worded it like that because unfortunately, we will still be spending the night in Glasgow, but we have to get to the airport tonight, because our flight is early tomorrow morning (before any of the cheap public transport starts running).  But no big deal!  We got a really good deal for our flight, so a little bit of inconvenience is totally worth it (lets see if I'm saying this tomorrow).

Tip to anyone studying abroad and looking to travel cheaply:  Check out the flights the Ryanair ( has.  Unfortunately, they don't go EVERYWHERE, and you may have to choose a different departure city to get to where you really want to go, but flights are extremely cheap.  We were able to get flights to Dublin and back for 41 pounds (about $65)- and thats including these stupid "adminstrative fees" that Ryanair charges.

    A second "unfortunate" thing about Ryanair, is that they generally don't fly out of/into the normal airport for that city.  Like in Glasgow, they don't use the regular Glasgow International Airport thats a lot closer, they use Prestwick airport, which is 45 minutes by train.  But once again, like I said, its not THAT much of an inconvenience to get a much better deal.  But just be aware of that if you are booking through Ryanair.  Sometimes it doesn't matter as much and sometimes it REALLY does.  For example, flying to Paris through Ryanair drops you off about an hour and a half from Paris itself.  Not that big of a deal, but you need to know that to get TO Paris, you have to take a 15 Euro ($20) shuttle each way.  So consider that in the price of your ticket.

So we actually leave for Dublin tomorrow morning.  Our flight leaves at 7, and arrives at 7:50 (kind of amazing to me that we're less than an hours flight from Ireland).  We get all day Satuday and Sunday in Dublin, and we fly back out Monday morning (8:15 - 9:05), so we can all make it back for classes (yayy...)

Sadly, I will not be bringing my laptop, so pictures will be delayed until Monday, but hopefully I'll be able to do at least one blog post FROM Ireland - just because I think that would be really cool.

  OH, and thanks again to my dad, for getting us the free hotel!!!!!!

See you on Monday :)

1 comment:

  1. Have a fantastic time and see as much as you can and take thousands of pictures!!! Can't wait to talk to you when you get back to your dorm <3
