Sunday, September 25, 2011

Highland Cows!

That, my friends, is a Highland Cow.  We visited a bunch of these fellows at the Pollok Country Park today.  I've been wanting to see a Highland Cow since I saw a picture of one months and months before I left for Glasgow.  I've been trying to figure out where to go to see one the whole time I've been here, and had no idea that there were some I could see right in Glasgow.  Pollok Country Park is free so I didn't even have to pay to see them!  Plus the park also is where The Burrell Collection (an awesome collection of art and historical artefacts), and Pollok House (didn't go in this yet so not sure what the deal with it is) are.  

My first glimpse of them.  See those big beasts back there?  Yup, thats them.

Look at this guy!!  (No, it was not that dark, the flash on my camera was just being a dork)

A baby!!!

Another baby!  I have no idea why its white.

He wanted to pose for us, stood there FOREVER

Melancholy Cow

Seriously, this cow is posing.

Look at the horns!

So yeah, those are Highland Cows.  I WILL be both going back to see them in Pollok Park and also finding the place where you can actually pet them and get pictures next to them and all that. 

Oh, and, here's some pictures from the rest of the park:

The entrance to the park.  At first I thought this picture was ruined by that darn car but then I was like, wait, thats a British car that is (sort of) driving on the left side of the road... thats PERFECT for my blog!!

Pollok House ( I can get in there for free with my National Trust thing that I bought)

Thats all for today!

Have a whole week of school to get through *sigh*... and then Stirling, and a visit to Loch Lomond next weekend! 


  1. OMG!!!!! WHO would have thought that a cow with hair could be so dang cute!!!!????? I love them!!!! and melancholy cow made me laugh (sorry I laughed at your melancholyness Mr Cow)

  2. Ashley.... Don't look now... But someone replaced all of the cute animal pictures with hairy cows!!

  3. How darn cute are they!!!! Please tell me they are pets and nobody makes "steaks" out of those adorable lil creatures!?
