Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Lovely Fall Thursday

Today was a fairly spontaneous and interesting day.  Last night I got this weird email that, after clicking around and following various links, basically told me that there were these things called "first meetings" for classes that I may or may not have to go to.  So we were going to go to the one to see if we had to or not.  Got up to go and everything (it was supposed to be from 12 - 1). 

Then on the way through the park (the way to school), we saw this:

(yes thats the University in the background)

And it had to be conquered.  So we did.  And it was a lot of fun!  Aside from bumping my head on bars because the slide is clearly meant for children.  Pish posh!  I would have gone again but it was quite a work out to get to the top, haha. 

Anyway, at the point, we both basically decided that we weren't going to go to this "first meeting" and we wandered off exploring through Kelvingrove Park.

It was such a lovely fall day!  So we kept walking up through the park towards these kind of fancy looking houses

And we made a friend!

After a bit more walking, we discovered we were almost to the City Centre (where a lot of the bigger shopping is) so we kept on heading that way.

(view from a pedestrian bridge)

  Stopped in a few small shops, like this one toy store:

We then went up a bit and decided to go to this one museum place that was up the way.  Its called the Tenement House (apparently, tenement house doesn't quite mean what it does to us... it basically just means apartment).  But anyway, its this apartment that basically looks the way it would have 70, 100 years ago, because the family that lived there never threw anything out.  It was sooo cool looking, but we weren't allowed to take pictures.

Also, at the Tenement House, I decided to become a member of the National Trust, which is the ... company (?) that maintains a bunch of landmarks all around Scotland (and I think she said England too).  By becoming a member, you can get in for free.  It was 19 pounds which isn't cheap, but if you go to just a couple places it makes it worth it.  And they give you a guidebook of everywhere you can go, so thats handy.

Afterwards, kept heading towards the City Centre... stopped at a few more shops, and finally wound up in TK Maxx (UK version of TJ Maxx).  After searching around, I found a rainjacket/possibly winter coat.

Quite happy with it.  Its a 3 in 1, so that inside liner (which is sooo soft and warm) can be worn just by itself, as can the outer part, and then they can be worn together.  It was 49 pounds, but I think it'll be worth it here.  Yay, waterproof outerwear!!

Sorry for all the pictures but it was SUCH a nice day that it called for a ton of pictures.  :)

I'll leave you with one last picture, from Tuesday night when we went to The 78 (a Vegan restaurant/bar right next to our hall)

                                                      Me, Linda, Erica and Alissa  :)  (just one half of the table but I don't have the other half right now)


  1. hmmmm, it DOES sound like it was a beautiful fall day and altho I can't condone skipping class (unless the possibility of it being optional becomes a fact)I'm glad you had a grand ole' time! The pictures are awesome and that's a very nice picture of you and some friends. And can all those parts of the jacket really be "warn" together?? LOL, <3 you baby girl!!

  2. "Warn" must be the Scottish spelling.. Lol... She is learning a new language already!! But I would like to point out that between the jacket and your historical pass thingy you could have paid for your party pass!!!!

  3. Harharhar, I already fixed it.

    Anyway, the jacket was extremely necessary (my jacket is apparently not waterproof). So that doesn't count, and I would get more use out of the historical pass thingy. It makes more sense my way :)

  4. I am very verdy glad you're now toasty warm AND dry!! By the way did someone put a traffic cone on that statue guy's head as a joke??

  5. Smart buy that jacket, you can wear it on your back when you return. No need to worry about packing it Madonna
