Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm here!!

This is just a quick update to say that I've arrived in Glasgow, have been let in my room and everything is fine.  I've been here (in Glasgow itself) for about 12 hours I think, but it feels like 10 years already with how long (and painful on my shoulder) its been.  I think things are gonna settle down a bit soon and then that'll be good.  Alright, in my next blog I'll go into detail about my trip here and what my hall and room are like and all that fun stuff.  Even had a little mini adventure to talk about!  And orientation starts tomorrow, too! 

  (Btw, apparently there is only a 5 hour time difference... who knew?!)


  1. So happy to hear that you're there and all is well. Sorry I missed your Bon voyage!! But I wll enjoy keeping up on your blog!! Love ya kid! Aunt mare

  2. WHEW!! You did it! So far so good. Miss you like crazy <3
